Being able to halve all numbers to 20. Half of 8 =? Half of 18 = ?Remind children that halving is the opposite of doubling. Ask halving questions when possible. What is half of 8? ADDITION Adding numbers to 20 using doubles. Students should answer automatically and not count. 5+6 is double 5 and 1 more. Or 5+6 is double 6 and 1 less. Remind children that they know doubles, and this is like doubles. Ask/Write questions. Use language like 5 and 6 is like double 5 and then add one more. SUBTRACTION Subtracting numbers from 20. COUNTING Counting by 2, 5 and 10. Example: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20. 5,10,15....50. 10,20,30....100 Practise saying and writing the counting patterns. Have them written down and placed in a prominent area of the house. READING & WRITING Reading and writing numbers 0-999. Example: Students are given a number and have to read it aloud. Students hear the numb Ask children to write Numbers between 0-999. Remind them that we read numbers from left to right and that numbers in the hundreds have 3 digits. RENAMING Knowing the number of tens and ones in a number to 99. Example: 15 = 1 ten and 5 ones 57 = 5 tens and 7 ones 89 = 8 tens and 9 ones Students can be given a T-Chart with tens and ones written in each column to help. Give students a number and they have to verbally respond to how many tens and ones make that number. ORDER Ordering numbers from 0-999. Example: 224,35,753,187,983,300 35,187,224,300,753,983 Write 10 random numbers between 0-999 and have students order. Roll a dice to make the 3- digit numbers randomly and then order. 1 TO 10 Knowing facts for numbers up to 10 automatically. Example: 5 and 2 = What is 2 less than 10 = Double 3 and 1 more = Use playing cards to make questions. Only use cards 10 and under. Turn a card over and: One more / Two more, One less / Two less, Double it, Half it (where answer is a whole number) |
https://k8schoollessons.com/three-digit-number-words-activity-1/ https://www.splashlearn.com/math/place-value-games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsyIB2Q6lws https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TsO04MTnBM https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-2/add-doubles-using-models https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/add-using-doubles-minus-one https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/subtract-doubles https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-2/subtract-doubles https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/subtraction-facts-numbers-up-to-20 https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/subtraction-sentences-using-number-lines-numbers-up-to-20 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 https://www.mathplayground.com/superhero_subtraction.html https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-3/counting-by-twos-threes-fives-and-tens https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-3/counting-by-twos https://au.ixl.com/maths/foundation/skip-count-by-fives https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/learn-to-skip-count-by-fives https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-1/learn-to-skip-count-by-tens https://au.ixl.com/maths/year-2/skip-counting-sequences https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTBiLmVkXw https://k8schoollessons.com/three-digit-number-words-activity-1/ https://www.splashlearn.com/math/place-value-games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dHu5TFxPtk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2jmI01cWW0 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/chinese-dragon-ordering |